We’re proud to report The Universe Builders series has now won 17 Awards for Excellence.

award 09  INA Book of the Year 1st Place Readers Favorite - Gold   SFBF-Award INA young adult outstanding

Venture into the humorous fantasy world of gods and goddesses who build universes for a living.

Are they all-powerful and all-knowing?

Well, not exactly…

THE ORIGINAL BOOK  —  Bernie and the Putty

Fresh with his diploma from God School, determined but unsure, bright but without confidence, Bernie faces the challenge of building his own universe.  If it were only that easy…

An old school rival will do whatever it takes to ensure Bernie’s failure, even if it means destroying his world.

Get ready for a battle of good and evil between powerful gods where only one of them plays by the rules.  The noose tightens around Bernie’s neck and the stakes are driven higher, threatening to cost Bernie everything unless he can outwit his evil foe.

A fascinating tale of good vs. evil and a young hero on a journey of self-discovery in an original, humorous, fantastic wrapper.

Gold Award literary-classics-SILVER-AWARDS-SEAL-300x300 SLP-Finalist-Badge 2015-finalist-Beverly Hills Book Awards IndieBookAward - finalist

THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES — Bernie and the Wizards 

Bernie is a young god who fixes broken universes for a living. Unfortunately, the universe he’s supposed to fix is in the middle of a civil war caused by Ashok, a murderous wizard determined to control the lucrative pepper trade.

Bernie’s boss urges him to solve the problem by destroying Ashok and his people, but Bernie wants no part of such a massacre.  Struggling to find another solution, Bernie tries to get Ashok to give up his plans for world domination. But, as Bernie’s attempts at peaceful solutions continue to fail, Bernie’s boss thinks the best solution is to destroy all the people on the planet and start over again.

Bernie can’t let that happen.  But as Bernie prepares to deal with the evil Ashok, he discovers the evil wizard’s powers are far more than superstitious nonsense.  The young god is drawn into an epic battle pitting the power of the gods against the forces of magic.  And the lives of every man, woman, and child on the planet hang in the balance.

IBA_finalist nybookfestival-jdcotx9zbs Literary Classics Seal of Approval Kindle Book Awards BIBA2014Blank


Bernie’s next assignment is a tough one.  He is sent to Planet Flo to investigate a disruption in the manufacturing of a glowing powder. Bernie must convince the mine owner to reopen the mines before trading can resume, but as he travels to and from this world, every visit gets stranger. The people he’s negotiating with keep forgetting who he is, and their society is becoming unrecognizable — their technology is advancing by decades in just days.

Some unknown force is undoing Bernie’s effort and propelling the people towards a dark future. If the gods don’t get their glowing powder, they will wipe out the entire civilization and repopulate Flo with another species, one more capable of producing the dust they want.  The only way Bernie can save the people is to find and stop the entity that’s undermining his efforts.  Could it be a threat from another universe? Could it be a new species evolving among the natives? How do you fight an enemy with the power to manipulate time?


Bernie’s latest assignment brings him to the high-tech world of Cells. The people disappeared and the robots who had kept the trade going have finally begun to fail. Bernie learns the people have left their boring world to live in a virtual one full of magic and mystery and treasure.

To save the people (and resume the trade), Bernie must enter their virtual world in search of the Game Master. But it is a world full of monsters and danger and Bernie’s godly powers do not exist in this world.


In the Universe Builders series, you’ll meet fascinating characters who populate the world of the gods.  Even though they have the power to create or even destroy entire universes, you’ll have no trouble relating to Bernie and his friends as they struggle, and sometimes blunder, through humorous and outlandish adventures while struggling to master their godly powers and learn about the world.

Like to know who they are?  They’d love to meet you, too…