What is coming soon out of the creative (some would say warped) mind of Steve LeBel?
What’s Next for Bernie?
After doing a survey of readers, the next book will be:
Bernie and the Game Master
In this story, Bernie is sent to a highly advanced world to fix a trade problem. He discovers a world full of robots who have been maintaining everything. But they’re breaking down, and no one is tending them. What happened to the people?
Bernie eventually finds the people in pods in a great underground complex. They are living in a virtual reality world which they found more interesting than their reality. They are living in a world of swords and sorcery, elves and goblins, where every day is an adventure.
But as the robots continue to fail, the system that maintains the people and their world fails as well, threatening their survival.
Bernie must find a way to wake them up but the only way to do so is to enter their world. Inside that world, Bernie has no godly powers to help him reach the Game Master. Nor is he yet worthy of such an audience. So he enlists Lenny and Suzie to aid him in this quest.
Can Bernie and his friends slay orcs and goblins and win an audience with the Game Master? Can they survive without their godly powers?
Bernie and the Small Gods
The plot lines are still being developed, but the basic story is that Bernie has another universe to fix. This one has been producing exotic incenses for centuries. The gods really enjoy the incenses, but for a while now, the people on the planet have not brought their incense to trade.
When Bernie looks into the problem, he discovers the incense is being used in the worship of other gods on the planet. Bernie finds there is more to the story. A few years back, a group of gods arrived on the planet and have taken over. They call themselves Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, and Hades. They’ve been moving from one universe to another over the last few years, and they’re tired of it.
They have no intention of moving again.
We Love (and need) Beta Readers
Steve likes to use beta readers in the final polishing of his work. If you have an interest in being a beta reader, check here: Beta Readers Wanted
If you want to know when the new book is published, you can 1) FOLLOW Steve on Amazon, and 2) sign up for the Builder’s Blog (Newsletter). Both of those will guarantee you receive notice when the next book is ready.